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Aplicatiile pentru functia de "Helper" pentru serverul de Minecraft sunt deschise !

Asa Pui Acc.creation,sv.status,on.players Pe Oricare Site !

Guest Alex

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Pentru Server Status:

Adaogi in index-ul site-ului tau aceasta scriptura:

<?php		    print'<table width="150">';		    $server  = "";		    $portg  = "7777";		    $portl  = "9014";		    $timeout = "5";				    if ($server and $port and $timeout) {		        $game =  @fsockopen("$server", $portg, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);		        $login =  @fsockopen("$server", $portl, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);		    }		    print'<tr><td align="center"><strong>Server Status</strong></td></tr>';		    if($login) { print'<tr><td>Login:</td><td><font color="#00FF00"><strong> Online</strong></font><br><br></td></tr>'; }		    else { print'<tr><td>Login:</td><td><font color="#FF0000"><strong> Offline</strong></font><br><br></td></tr>'; }		    if($game) { print'<tr><td>Game:</td><td><font color="#00FF00"><strong> Online</strong></font></td></tr>'; }		    else { print'<tr><td>Game:</td><td"><font color="#FF0000"><strong> Offline</strong></td></tr>'; } 		    print'</table>';		?>
Pentru Creeare Account pe site : Prima data creeaza un document now acc.php in acelasi directoriu in care ai siteul si insereaza aceasta scriputra :
<?php		  define('mySQL_hostname', '');  //database IP		  define('mySQL_database', 'Database');  //database name		  define('mySQL_username', 'User');  //database user		  define('mySQL_password', 'Pass');  //database password				  function l2j_encrypt($password) 		    {		        return base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(utf8_encode($password))));		    }				  $str =  l2j_encrypt($_POST['pass']);				  $user = $_POST["name"];				  $db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password )		    or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() );				  $db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link )		    or die( 'Error connecting to Database<br><br>'.mysql_error() );				  if ($user == '') { print'Incorrect UserID'; mysql_close(); }		  else {		     $db_add = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('$user', '$str', '0', '0', '')" )		       or die( 'Error: '.mysql_error() );		  }		  print 'Account Created<br><br>Enjoy youre gameplay.';		  mysql_close();		?>[/code]

[b]imediat dupa insereaza in index.html urmatoarea scriptura:[/b]

[code]<form action="acc.php" method=post> UserID:<input type="text" name="name" size 20><br><br> Password:<input type="password" name="pass" size 20><br><br> <input type=submit name="submit" value="Login"> </form>[/code]
[color=#A082AE][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=5][color="blue"][b]Pentru Playeri Online:[/b][/color][/size][/font][/color] [color=#A082AE][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]Inserati in Index.html urmatoarea scriptura:[/size][/font][/color]
[CODE]<?php //first you need to define db info define('mySQL_hostname', ''); //database IP define('mySQL_database', 'Database'); //database name define('mySQL_username', 'User'); //database user define('mySQL_password', 'Pass'); //database password //connects to mysql $db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password ) or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() ); //connects to Database $db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link ) or die( 'Error connecting to Database<br><br>'.mysql_error() ); //selects desired table $chars=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters"); //tells how much rows are there (will come helpfull with while loops) $rows =mysql_numrows($characters); $i=0; $x=0; //while $i is smaller than number of rows repeat the code while ($i < $rows) { $online=mysql_result($chars,$i,"online"); //looks into characters table, under column online(if player is online its "0" else "1"), at row $i if ($online == 1) { $x++; } // if column online at row $i is "1", increase $x $i++; //increase $i } print 'Online players:<em>'.$x.'<em>'; //prints out the $x number of players online ?>[/code]

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